I’d like to introduce you all to my…

I’d like to introduce you all to my new roommate Corey – the parakeet. Corey initially was someone else’s pet, but the person who was supposed to take care of him has a bit of maturing to do in regards to setting priorities – so now I’m Corey’s caretaker. Due to not having attention for a while initially he was a little nervous in regards to human interaction with someone new – but he’s getting used to me pretty quickly, and that makes me feel happy (as I enjoy being appreciated by other energies – regardless of how great or small).

Why I’m The Best Porn industry Blogger 20…

Why I’m The Best Porn industry Blogger – 20 reasons
The porn industry’s most notorious racist, homophobic & mysogynistic hate crime asked why I blog about the porn industry still since I retired from being an active pornstar in 2011 and active adult performer around 2014.
In this video podcast I give twenty reasons as to why (though I’m not the porn industry’s “top blogger” or a “blog god”) I am the BEST the American pornography industry could ask for (though unfortunately the individuals who control the pornography industry are not capable as of current to understand why).

The first few steps into a new project…

The first few steps into a new project I’m working on with the Drag Artist known as Monica Mars – I’m attempting to compose a 7 song “mini opera” to feature Mars… this is the start to song #1 – it’s titled “Beautanity”

Ron DeSantis Andrew Gillum Racism Pornography & Pimps…

Ron DeSantis, Andrew Gillum, Racism, Pornography & Pimps

Thoughts on the recent situation of Ron DeSantis referring to Andrew Gillum’s win as a situation of society opting to “monkey this up” Does DeSantis frequent and post on the porn industry’s racist hate crime Pornwikileaks? Does he view Blacks as monkeys due to racist pimp’s influence? And should sexworkers who are mothers with children under 18 be legally allowed to do on camera sex work due to it potentially being psychologically and physically harmful to their children?


Florida Politician Ron Desantis has been exposed as being an administrator of a racist Facebook page called “Tea Party” which includes anti-immigrant & Islamophobic content along with threats of violence. The Young Turks report:

My Life Has Come Full Circle & History…

My Life Has Come Full Circle & History Is Cyclical

Randazza army kkk, white supremacists, pornographers,

Porn News Today Live! FSC pornographers of Jewish descent are in the same “army” as the KKK?

truth of Randazza Legal Group, Michael Whiteacre, Free Speech Coalition, manipulation of Jewish and the lawsuit

History in regards to the American pornography industry, the WWII Jewish Holocaust, World Politics, Randazza Legal Group and the Free Speech Coalition (an educational an Alexandra Mayers – Just Some Thoughts podcast)
As you can see below – prior to a judgement being entered into the Clark Country court case June of 2017, SOMEHOW Randazza Legal Group listed the anticipated judgement as a source of future income for the case even though he was not the plaintiff (his wife, who FILED FOR DIVORCE FROM HIM WHILE THE CASE WAS IN PROGRESS, was the actual plaintiff). In addition Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL seemed to know I was going to be sued a little over 3 years prior to the lawsuit being filed (Tompkins thought purchasing the porn blog LukeIsBack.com where he made his “prediction” would save him from being found out as the CRIMINAL he appears to be – WRONG!)

Porn News Today LIVE Stormy Daniels is proof…

Porn News Today LIVE! Stormy Daniels is proof of Donald Trump’s dishonesty with the American people

Xxxstarpr, Publicists, Porn, Trpwl, Rape, Agents & Blackmail

LGBT couples would make good adoptive parents for…

LGBT couples would make good adoptive parents for the abused children of pornstars & sex workers
Alexandra Mayers shares her thoughts via “The Story of Tommy and Jennifer” as to how though there are many sex workers, pornstars and adult performers who are good parents – there’s a flip side to that coin… many children of sex workers, pornstars and adult performers are extensively abused, neglected, abandoned and at times even sold into slavery (sex trafficked as children).
Alexandra Mayers feels that many healthy, sane and loving couples in the LGBT (LGBTQ) community would be excellent adoptive parents for such children (who are taken from their abusive parents by Child Protective Services and put into the foster care system) .


The story of “Tommy and Jennifer” is based on real people, real events and is the story of the parents of real children (who as of current – in Alexandra Mayers’ opinion) are in danger.

the Candace Owens Hypocrisy in regards to Accountability…

the Candace Owens Hypocrisy in regards to Accountability and Omarosa Manigault Newman


In this video I question whether or not Candace Owens realizes that she could be taken to Civil Court in regards to a particular Tweet she posted on Social Media in regards to Omarosa Manigualt Newman.

I also question why Candace Owens (founder of a website called Social Autopsy) feels that it’s OK for her to demand accountability from the general American public in regards to their thoughts on social media, but it’s not OK for Omarosa Manigualt Newman to request the same of the of Trump political administration.

America is based on the concept of religious freedom so why is it exactly that Candace Owens appears to have a problem with American individuals who may or may not be Satanists?

Candace Owens does not speak for me or many other Blacks / African-Americans. I personally belive Candace needs far more life experience before she judges Omarosa – as Candace has yet to walk a path even remotely close to that of Omarosa (or many Black women in America for that matter).

To make things clear, I don’t hate Candace Owens, nor do I think she’s stupid. I simply feel that Candace is far to young and inexperienced to be attempting to carry out (what appears to be) her current agenda (just as when she founded SocialAutopsy.com).

As a side note, I do believe that it’s possible Candace Owens was threatened with legal action in the past due to her Social Autopsy project – which may be why she’s pushing the Trump administration’s political agenda today.