Over the years I’ve experienced my fair share…

Over the years I’ve experienced my fair share of relationships… so I’ve learned a lot about myself, and men.

Yesterday an excellent primer (aka blueprint) came to my attention from www.FreedomProgramme.co.uk (via a friend of mine on social media) as to how to differentiate an abusive man from a psychologically healthy and loving man. The material I read impressed me quite a bit, so I decided to put together the video below. Hopefully women who need to stumble upon the material I outline will find it (as my perspective and life path would have been far different had I read this material in my early 20s – I don’t regret my life though…as I believe that everything is as it’s meant to be).

2018 Christmas gift giving guide Alexandra Mayers LIVE…

2018 Christmas gift giving guide – Alexandra Mayers LIVE

Alexandra Mayers shares several Christmas Gift suggestions from Walmart.

Each item Alexandra presents costs $30 or less!

Merry Christmas everyone! Remember, it’s the thought that counts in life – not the dollar amount.

taking a look at the circumstances and individuals (linked to politics) surrounding Dennis Hof before he died

Over the past couple of days I was prompted to take a look at a few details and individuals surrounding legal brothel owner Dennis Hof’s death – and I’ve found a few disturbing elements and political figures who are directly tied to hate, bigotry and extreme racist white supremacists.

Dennis Hof’s daughter is NOT a racist or white supremacist (she’s made it clear she was not raised by her parents to embody such a thought process) – neither are a few other parties who were close to Dennis Hof who worked for him for an extended amount of time.

As many of you know, I without a doubt was not a fan of Dennis Hof. I never met him in person – however my independent investigate blogging and research over the years led me down a few roads in which I learned quite a lot about him (by interviewing individuals who wanted to share their thoughts as to who he was).

I do not feel that Dennis Hof’s legacy or the reputation of his surviving family should be linked to the hateful, bigoted and racist individuals tied to the Nye County Republican (GOP) party. I believe that had Dennis Hof known the truth of Tina Trenner and Roger Stone’s political agendas from the start, he’d have not aligned himself with them – as it’s important to note that Dennis Hof was a Libertarian prior to labeling himself as a Republican AND on occasion he voted for Democrats.

I will likely post my research and findings in regards to this issue on www.Pimpwikileaks.com on an ongoing basis between now and into the year 2019.

Alexandra Mayers LIVE Men Women Love politics &…

Alexandra Mayers LIVE – Men, Women, Love, politics & Michael Avenatti
Alexandra Mayers shares her thoughts on how the elements of men, women, love, politics, maturity, the latest news in regards to Michael Avenatti (and Mareli Miniutti) and how it’s ALL intertwined when it comes to life and relationships.

In this video I states the age difference between Donald Trump and his wife Melania is 27 years – it’s actually 24 years. The age difference between Avenatti and his girlfriend Miniutti is 27 years.

If Breitbart News is correct about Michael Avenatti he is unfit to be President in my opinion due to his dating preferences (november 20, 2018)

Today it was reported that 47 year old Michael Avenatti’s arrest stemmed from an argument he had with his (as reported by Breitbart news) 20 year old girlfriend who is from the country of Estonia.

Alexandra Mayers shares in this podcast (which she will follow up later with a video podcast on AlexandraMayersLive.com) that from her perspective at this stage Michael Avenatti is not fit to run for President, because had he not gotten into an argument with his girlfriend – had he been elected President we’d have ANOTHER foreign born First Lady but this time only about 22 or 23 years old.

It is a scientific fact that the human brain is not fully developed untill the age of 25.

Alexandra Mayers LIVE Painting Edition Apology Negated session…

Alexandra Mayers LIVE: Painting Edition – Apology Negated (session 01)

Alexandra Mayers starts her latest painting “Apology Negated” and shares the premise, energy and idea behind the painting (yes, it’s a bit of a storytime) before she begins work on the piece.

Included in this video is Alexandra Mayers’ latest music tracks “Leaving For Mars” and “Beautanity” (find more songs from Alexandra on www.AlexandraMayersMusic.com).

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

Alexandra Mayers LIVE Thoughts from the Gym Omarosa’s…

Alexandra Mayers LIVE: Thoughts from the Gym – Omarosa’s book Unhinged chapter 1
Alexandra Mayers LIVE: Political Park Talk – Michael Avenatti and an Immigration idea

Day 3 of the GOP Republican protests against…

Day 3 of the GOP Republican protests against Brenda Snipes & the Florida recount FAILED

As a side note, after experiencing in person this weekend (outside the Broward County election supervisor office) the extreme hate & blatant racism against Blacks by Donald Trump administration & GOP supporters – I’m definitely going to do my best to encourage more Black youth to become politically involved via a new political themed video podcast I am in the beginning stages of creating.

I believe that Broward County law enforcement needs to be on high alert in regards to what appear to be political extremists (one known as Laura Loomer namely). From observing her Twitter feed tonight she appears to be inciting hate & violence against Black leaders & politicians in Broward county (such as Brenda Snipes – the Broward County election Supervisor).

As of tonight Loomer’s support base attacked me extensively on social media (not unlike the racist white supremacist stalker I’ve opened a case in regards to via the Broward County courts). It seems as though Black voters within Broward County such as myself are being targeted via bullying and intimidation tactics by racists with certain political agendas, so I believe creating as much awareness within the world community as possible in regards to this situation is vital.

Gillum v DeSantis Lauderhill vote recount protest footage…

Gillum v. DeSantis Lauderhill vote recount protest footage & commentary

I stopped by the protest taking place outside of Brenda Snipes’ office in Lauderhill, Florida.
The vibe was very tense and I felt the GOP / Republican Trump & DeSantis supporters were overly aggressive.
A Trump supporter in attendance who appeared to be targeting women of color for the GOP openly stated to me that he was a “Nationalist”. I told him in response that I’m not open to talking to white Nationalists.
In addition, as of yesterday Andrew Gillum retracted his concession.

more Gillum v. DeSantis Lauderhill, Florida vote recount protest footage

Footage from today’s protests outside of Brenda Snipes office in lauderhill, Florida in regards to the vote recount for the Andrew Gillum v. Ron DeSantis election. This is who Trump supporters really are from my perspective – pushy bullies.