It’s been fairly busy in the American adult…

It’s been fairly busy in the American adult entertainment industry news sphere. There have been several commentary videos from the show I host added to it’s official playlist here:

In addition – I highly recommend Urban Decay’s line of eyeliners…especially the 24/7 Glide On

Stephen Washington of the Black Wealth Network – Stocks, CryptoCurrency, Investing in Legal Marijuana & more!!!

Stephen Washington, Assistant Professor & Program Director of accounting, finance and economics at Central State University Wilberforce, OH shares his knowledge and advice in regards to investment and wealth generating opportunities for Blacks (African-Americans) and women.

Mr. Washington and Alexandra continue their discussion on issues pertaining to the Black Wealth Gap & cryptocurrency. In addition Washington shares his perspective and knowledge in regards to the recent stock market crashes, the opportunities it’s created to purchase stocks at bargain prices and his thoughts in regards to investment opportunities the legal marijuana (cannabis) industry.


Alana Evans ONLY TRIED TO ENSURE LOLA FOXX was OK! Why is Chris Cock upset?
Alexandra Mayers LIVE – Alana Evans ONLY TRIED TO ENSURE LOLA FOXX was OK! Why is Chris Cock upset (he hasn’t been married to Lola for around 3 years)? Why is Tia Cyrus involved? Why is Lola’s new boyfriend making allegations of abuse against Chris Cock?

I wasn’t planning on doing a webcast tonight, but this situation is getting out of hand. This webcast includes twitter screencaps, the history of Chris and Lola’s relationship & commentary.

For more information about the Adult Performer’s Actor’s Guild visit

Alexandra Mayers LIVE Friday Happy Valentines day https…

Alexandra Mayers LIVE – Friday – Happy Valentines day

Alexandra Mayers LIVE – a brief talk on how pornstars should be careful in regards to their exes (who may own catalogs of their past adult content) possibly wanting them to die so that the adult content they were featured in gains popularity (which translates to more sales).

Alexandra also wishes everyone a Happy Valentines day and offers a few Valentine’s day survival and dating tips.

virgin auction promoter & PIMP Dennis Hof hires pedophile rights porn lawyer of Randazza Legal Group

Virgin auction promoter, accused rapist (by Jennifer O’Kane) & pimp Dennis Hof hires pedophile rights defense porn lawyer of Randazza Legal Group

To learn more about many concerns people have in regards to Dennis Hof’s business practices, political connections and actions, just visit or run a search on Twitter for the hashtag #StopHof

Important Links & Educational Resources mentioned in this webcast:

Porn blogger TRPWL doesn’t think the age to…

Porn blogger TRPWL doesn’t think the age to be in porn should be raised to 21, but union leaders DO.

On this brief webcast of Alexandra Mayers LIVE, Alexandra presents news on a current debate between Sean aka TRPWL & the President of the Adult Performers Actors Guild porn union, Ruby, in regards to whether the minimum age of performers should be raised to 21.

For some reason, TRPWL feels the need to insult the leaders of APAG in regards to them being “out of work porn chicks in their late 40s” – it’s interesting that he doesn’t seem to realize that every working pornstar in her early 20’s will oneday BE in her late 40’s and in the same boat as Ruby.

If only Ruby had a time machine to go into the future, where she could talk to the future selves of the pornstars (who are in their 20’s today) that she’s trying to unionize.

The APAG wasn’t the first “porn union” attempt. Back in 2013, Alexandra Mayers herself was part of an effort launched by Rob Black to form a porn union called the UAWA (United Adult Workers Association).

Thoughts on public figure pornstar Bobbi Dylan her…

Thoughts on public figure pornstar Bobbi Dylan – her family didn’t disown her

After a pornographic industry hate crime known as Pornwikileaks attempted to spread the apparent lie that public figure & pornstar Bobbi Dylan’s family disowned her – I contacted her mother (who initially contacted me via email in September of 2016 without my prompting her to do so).

Click here to watch a followup video to this one which outlines the emails:

Upon contacting Bobbi’s mother today – I simply suggested she not give up on her daughter. In response her mother made it clear to me that she hadn’t and that she loves her daughter very much. Furthermore she stated that Bobbi is not disowned from her family.
As of current Bobbi is falsely stating that I posted her phone number and that it was 100% visible. I did my best to conceal her mother’s phone number. In addition Bobbi has made a threat of physical violence directed towards me.
Regardless, I’d rather Bobbi (or any pornstar) be angry with me for informing them that their family loves them, rather than them be mad at their family (especially their mother).