Alexandra Mayers LIVE: rehearsing my original song War On Women
The lyrics for this song can be found on this link:
Alexandra Mayers LIVE: rehearsing my original song War On Women
The lyrics for this song can be found on this link:
Leaving For Mars
Alexandra Mayers LIVE – painting session – “Rhino” (part 03 – completed)
BEAUTANITY: Today’s politics surrounding Kavanaugh & Trump. Alexandra Mayers LIVE
Alexandra Mayers shares her thoughts in regards to the women’s civil right’s situation (in regards to sexual misconduct and sexual assault) revolving around Brett Kavanaugh, the Donald Trump situation, American white women and politics.
Alexandra explains that the political atmosphere involving white women’s civil rights doesn’t directly alter her personal reality considering that she’s been dealing with the equivalent of such themes via the Pornwikileaks racist, homophobic and misogynistic hate crime for over 7 years (a situation which no one helped her in regards to – quite possibly due to her being a Black woman and an ex / retired sexworker).
Alexandra shares that her recent musical song release “Beautanity” is a culmination (in part) of her personal experiences, that of other sex workers and today’s political climate . She concludes this podcast by questioning if today’s public outcry against men such as Trump and Kavanaugh is in actuality only due to American white women (who are not sex workers, adult entertainers or pornstars) suddenly awakening to the reality that White men (many who are their sons, brothers and fathers) now view them on the same tier as Black women. From Alexandra’s perspective white women who are sex workers (such as Alana Evans and Ruby – the leaders of the Adult Performers Actor’s Guild) have felt the pain (akin to that of Black women) of being cast aside (and ignored) by society, in regards to sexual assault, for a long time.
Alexandra Mayers suggests that white women who are mothers think a bit more deeply in regards to raising their children – because the “old white men” who are being blamed today for today’s political climate didn’t appear out of no where…their mothers are often complicit white women (such as what Melania, Ivanka and Ivana Trump appear to be) who are wiling to enable “white male privilege” for their sons, while inadvertently allowing such privilege to ENSLAVE their daughters.
“Beautanity” is a song written, performed and produced by Alexandra Mayers for the Christian Pornstar album (volume 2). The lyrics for this song were inspired by many life events Alexandra Mayers has survived through along with some experiences of her friend – who in time will provide vocals for an alternate version of this song.
For the lyrics to this song and more music from Alexandra Mayers, just visit
Who’s the jealous pimp using porn industry blogs as weapons against their competition? Another imperfect music session recorded tonight by Alexandra Mayers. I’m inspired by the oddest issues and sexy young guys with pretty eyes who are unwittingly victimized (even though they’re likely predators themselves – LOL!).
I’ll post the copy of the lyrics to this on a bit later.
The first few steps into a new project I’m working on with the Drag Artist known as Monica Mars – I’m attempting to compose a 7 song “mini opera” to feature Mars… this is the start to song #1 – it’s titled “Beautanity”
Tell me how you like this melody @monicafostersf – it's rough but if you like it I'll email you the lyrics and music with no words – if you don't like it, I'll put something else together.
— Alexandra Mayers (@AlexMayersLIVE) September 1, 2018
find additional music from Alexandra Mayers on
in this medley mashup session are the following song slices:
“Close My Eyes” (an unreleased track from the Christian Pornstar album volume 02 – by Alexandra Mayers)
“Something Just Like This” (an altered version – by Coldplay)
“Lately” (an improvisation of the original recording – by Alexandra Mayers from the Christian Pornstar volume 01 album)
“I just called to say I love you” (by Stevie Wonder)