Ron DeSantis Andrew Gillum Racism Pornography & Pimps…

Ron DeSantis, Andrew Gillum, Racism, Pornography & Pimps

Thoughts on the recent situation of Ron DeSantis referring to Andrew Gillum’s win as a situation of society opting to “monkey this up” Does DeSantis frequent and post on the porn industry’s racist hate crime Pornwikileaks? Does he view Blacks as monkeys due to racist pimp’s influence? And should sexworkers who are mothers with children under 18 be legally allowed to do on camera sex work due to it potentially being psychologically and physically harmful to their children?

Florida Politician Ron Desantis has been exposed as being an administrator of a racist Facebook page called “Tea Party” which includes anti-immigrant & Islamophobic content along with threats of violence. The Young Turks report:

virgin auction promoter & PIMP Dennis Hof hires pedophile rights porn lawyer of Randazza Legal Group

Virgin auction promoter, accused rapist (by Jennifer O’Kane) & pimp Dennis Hof hires pedophile rights defense porn lawyer of Randazza Legal Group

To learn more about many concerns people have in regards to Dennis Hof’s business practices, political connections and actions, just visit or run a search on Twitter for the hashtag #StopHof

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