Why it should be ILLEGAL for active adult…

Why it should be ILLEGAL for active adult industry professionals to have minors in their custody… (part 1)

Over the next few weeks, Alexandra Mayers will share a variety of situations which illustrate exactly why it should be illegal for active adult entertainment industry professionals (Playboy Models, pornstars, adult content directors, sexworkers, webcam models, etc) to have minors in their custody.

PORN LAW NEWS an OBSCENITY case foundation may…

PORN LAW NEWS – an OBSCENITY case foundation may already be in place against D&E Media ABUSEOGRAPHY

Alex Mayers reviews a situation in regards to adult content studio D&E Media (aka Ghetto Gaggers aka Latina Abuse aka Facial Abuse aka Radical Jizzlam – KNOWN for extreme depictions of violence against women which has been reported as being ACTUAL violence) being deemed LEGALLY by an Office of the United States government (the Patent and Trademark office) as being “vulgar” and “offensive”.

Visit this link to PornLawNews.com for more information:

virgin auction promoter & PIMP Dennis Hof hires pedophile rights porn lawyer of Randazza Legal Group

Virgin auction promoter, accused rapist (by Jennifer O’Kane) & pimp Dennis Hof hires pedophile rights defense porn lawyer of Randazza Legal Group

To learn more about many concerns people have in regards to Dennis Hof’s business practices, political connections and actions, just visit StopHof.com or run a search on Twitter for the hashtag #StopHof

Important Links & Educational Resources mentioned in this webcast:







Alexandra Mayers LIVE video commentary: the Tanya Gersh vs. Neo-Nazi troll storm lawsuit, free speech, history & art

Thoughts, news & commentary on the Tanya Gersh vs. Neo-Nazi troll storm lawsuit, free speech, history & art. Read up what Alexandra Mayers discusses in this webcast by visiting www.PublicFiguresToday.com

I’m grateful to the Florida courts

For several years I stated that Pornwikileaks required legal closure & accountability. Now it’s happening thanks to my efforts alone.

Trademark law transforms Pornstar Escort Agencies & Pimps into legal businesses

Alexandra Mayers explains how trademark law could be utilized to transform American Escort and Prostitution Agencies (websites) and illegal pimp’s sex trafficking operations into legal businesses.

In this Alexandra Mayers LIVE Porn News Alert, Alexandra breaks down the 6 steps virtually anyone could (but realistically should NOT) utilize to set up an online Pornstar Escort ring and then file it as a legitimate business (either themselves or via an attorney / lawyer such as James R. Felton of Greenberg and Bass) via the filing of a trademark.

Though officially, the only “legal prostitution” in the United States is within certain counties of Nevada (Dennis Hof’s legal brothels for example), a recent trademark law victory attached to a case involving a Japanese Rock Band named The Slants, has opened the door to trademark law potentially becoming a viable venue to legalize a plethora of “obscene” ideas, business entities and organizations.

Has the current political climate led by Donald Trump, which appears to be sympathetic to Neo-Nazis, helped to cultivate these legal changes for the adult entertainment, pornography & sex industries? Quite possibly considering that there is a Neo-Nazi presence in today’s porn industry…

In the past gangs, terrorists and hate groups funded their ventures via drug sales, but today many such entities have turned to pimping humans as a less expensive and more effective method to raise money. Trademark law just may be the ticket that will further enable the actions of terrorist organizations such as today’s American Neo-Nazi groups.

As of current the Pornstar Escort agencies known as The Luxury Companion and HelpUbookHer both have registered trademarks.

Alexandra Mayers LIVE Pregnant Women are at HIGH…

Alexandra Mayers LIVE – Pregnant Women are at HIGH RISK of being murdered. War on women AWARENESS
Alexandra Mayers shares the frightening but true realities in regards to pregnant women being at an extremely high risk of being murdered (in fact murder accounts for over 20% of the fatalities of pregnant women).
Is our patriarchal society suppressing the true statistics of the murder rates of pregnant women? How many men are getting away with these murders every year? Why aren’t better statistics kept?
Do law makers not realize that by making abortion illegal, the rate of murdered pregnant women will raise substantially?
There is a War on Women – and Alexandra Mayers has the objective of arming young women with the knowledge they need to protect themselves here on Earth.

I wrote an article titled How Pornstars…

I wrote an article titled “How Pornstars who did not consent to being listed on The Luxury Companion could have their photos removed – DMCA notice” this morning that I decided to turn into a permanent page on this blog, due to it potentially being an important resource for pornstars who want to free themselves from organized crime run illegal prostitution and escorting rings.

The article can be accessed on AdultFYI.net here: http://www.adultfyi.net/index.php/2016/08/21/how-pornstars-who-did-not-consent-to-being-listed-on-the-luxury-companion-could-have-their-photos-removed-dmca-notice/

And directly on my official blog here: http://monicafoster.blogspot.com/p/pornstars-tlc-dmca.html

New posts added to www PornNewsToday com LA…

New posts added to www.PornNewsToday.com

LA Weekly reports the porn industry appearing to admit it’s breaking the law! Time to throw those criminals in prison! http://www.pornnewstoday.com/pnt/2015/09/22/la-weekly-reports-the-porn-industry-appearing-to-admit-its-breaking-the-law-time-to-throw-those-criminals-in-prison/

Does the relationship between Donny Pauling and Gail Dines prove Alexandra Mayers correct about the anti porn industry being controlled by corrupt Jewish people? http://www.pornnewstoday.com/pnt/2015/09/23/does-the-relationship-between-donny-pauling-and-gail-dines-prove-alexandra-mayers-correct-about-the-anti-porn-industry-being-controlled-by-corrupt-jewish-people/

Time has run out for Jenna Jameson in the Celebrity Big Brother house. She did a great job so what’s next for her? http://www.pornnewstoday.com/pnt/2015/09/22/time-has-run-out-for-jenna-jameson-in-the-celebrity-big-brother-house-she-did-a-great-job-so-whats-next-for-her/