A word about Xbiz Alec Helmy sex trafficking…

A word about Xbiz, Alec Helmy, sex trafficking, racism, Pornwikileaks & the group behind “Kelli Roberts”.

I’m not allowing them to lie about me anymore.

THIS is what #BlackLivesMatter really means (& is why disingenuous trash that enables racism BOTH in the adult industry and society as a whole hijacked the movement).

Click here for additional information on this situation along with evidence.



Alexandra Mayers LIVE – Trinity St Clair lawsuit news, deleted posts about Dave of The Luxury Companion & Jared Kushner thoughts

Alexandra Mayers LIVE – news about the lawsuit pornstar Trinity St Clair is at the center of & Jared Kushner thoughts (in regards to his being registered as a FEMALE voter).

Alexandra also discusses The Luxury Companion, pornwikileaks, adult industry bloggers and various financial contributions and favors from Dave aka Dwight Cunningham to TRPWL and Kelli Roberts which are linked to some deleted posts on LukeIsBack about Sheikh Rasheed, Dubai and women attached to The Luxury Companion who were sent to the UAE.

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion

Mike South, Dwight Cunningham, Dave, John Forbush, Kelli Roberts, UAE, dubai, the luxury companion