Clearing the cigarettes alcohol & toxic past out…

Clearing the cigarettes, alcohol & toxic past out of your present & future.

I’ve decided to quit smoking for the next…

I’ve decided to quit smoking for the next 20 years at least… Why? Well, I don’t feel that being a fat smoking woman in her 40’s is exactly a “good look” – therefor I’m doing all I can to be the opposite 🙂 I figure letting myself go in my 60’s or 70’s will be alright, but for the next couple of decades I want to continue holding it together.

In addition, I’m planning to do quite a bit of traveling this Spring which will involve some rather physical activity, so I need to amp up my fitness level just a bit (and in order to do so cutting cigarettes out of my life is a must).

I’ve never been a heavy smoker – only light to medium (in frequency). I quit “cold turkey” and am past the “cravings” stage for the most part. Already I can see a dramatic improvement in my workout performance (though I had to take a while off from the gym upon quitting smoking initially – due to my body readjusting).

As of late I’ve been trying to get in a work out either at the gym, park or beach 4 times a week.

I’m strongly considering finding a canine companion around the fall because it would be nice to have the company when I go jogging, hiking or camping. I’m not sure which breed is for me this time around…(I definitely want an athletic and intelligent Dog that is perfectly suited for me at this phase in my life) so I’ll be researching the various breeds extensively over the next few months. I’m thinking an Australian Shepherd might be a good match for the type of person I am today, but we’ll see…

Alexandra Mayers outdoors 01

Alexandra Mayers gym progress 02

Continued progress on my weightloss and fitness journey

Alexandra Mayers LIVE 90 days of fitness &…

Alexandra Mayers LIVE – 90 days of fitness & the enslavement, replacement & disposal of white women
In this webcast, Alexandra takes on a 90 day fitness challenge and
discusses the strategic enslavement, replacement and disposal of
american white women.

Alexandra also announces her 2017 Christian pornstar music and event tour and outlines the Christian Pornstar movement, music & visual art which will be accessible soon exclusively on

The christian pornstar event and music tour will have stops in the following
cities: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, Denver, Seattle and Miami

The primary focus of this webcast revolves around Elizabeth warren, the horrific fact that the current political establishment has ties to white nationalists, the strategic targeting and destruction of white american women by those with the mentality of today’s racist Trump supporter & that Melania Trump was indeed a sex worker considering that she worked as a nude model willing to do lesbian sexual acts on camera (for Jarl Ale Alexandre De Basseville specifically).