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In early June a pornstar new to the industry, known as Serenity Haze, alleged that veteran French porn producer Pierre Woodman raped her on his California porn set.
Alexandra Mayers, formerly known as pornstar Monica Foster, addresses the situation and answers the complicated question as to whether or not the incident occurred, the issues involved and relates instances from her personal time in the industry.
Aside from the issue of rape, Alexandra takes note that in the supposedly “un-cut” footage Woodman provided to her to view, barrier protection (aka a condom) did not appear to be utilized in the scene (nor did barrier protection appear to be offered to Serenity Haze to use with both Pierre and/or his male talent and assistance Ricky Mancini).

Jennifer O’Kane of The Calico Club Brothel tells…

Jennifer O’Kane of The Calico Club Brothel tells the truth about Dennis Hof

Look for the full interview with Jennifer O’Kane (owner of the Calico Club Brothel in Battle Mountain, Nevada) next week!
In this preview, Jennifer discloses to Alexandra the truth of how Dennis Hof, pimp and owner of the Bunny Ranch & Love Ranch brothels (where Lamar Odom nearly DIED), essentially raped her and failed to use a condom with her sexually (as mandated by the Nevada legal brothel system legislation).
After briefly working for Dennis Hof as a Nevada legal courtesan, Jennifer O’Kane decided that she wanted to change the Nevada Legal Brothel system for the better by opening a safe & ethical legal brothel and alternative to Dennis Hof’s establishments. Jennifer O’Kane’s brothel puts legal courtesans in control of their own bodies and destinies. Her brothel also provides a work environment free of threats, rape and intimidation.
Alexandra Mayers aka Monica Foster presents to the public the TRUTH of the America legal brothel system that mainstream media outlets such as CNN and TMZ (& pseudo journalists such as Lisa Ling) fail to report. Learn more on and

In this preview clip from the upcoming interview with Nevada legal brothel owner Jennifer O’Kane of the Calico Club Brothel, Alexandra aka Monica Foster learns first hand about the LIES Dennis Hof has been telling the mainstream media about basketball player Lamar Odom’s stay at the Love Ranch brothel.

Along with Dennis Hof showing complete disregard for Lamar Odom’s privacy and milking Lamar Odom’s drug overdose tragedy for all the free publicity he can get for his brothels and prostitutes – according to Jennifer O’Kane, Hof has also lied to the mainstream media about having the first transgender “Caitlyn” prostitute.

Considering the recent testimonies Alexandra aka Monica Foster has gathered from Diana aka Desi Foxx, Diane aka Sunset Thomas and now Jennifer Kane about Dennis Hof & the Moonlite Bunny Ranch – NOW, it seems, would be an excellent time for the FBI (or another United States of America government entity) to put a halt to Dennis Hof’s activity…

Hopefully Khloe Kardashian or someone else who cares about Lamar Odom will utilize this video clip as court evidence against Dennis Hof if necessary…

Condom measure opponents fined $61,500 for taking donations…

Condom measure opponents fined $61,500 for taking donations from foreign interests