Dennis Hof’s daughter is NOT a racist or white supremacist (she’s made it clear she was not raised by her parents to embody such a thought process) – neither are a few other parties who were close to Dennis Hof who worked for him for an extended amount of time.
As many of you know, I without a doubt was not a fan of Dennis Hof. I never met him in person – however my independent investigate blogging and research over the years led me down a few roads in which I learned quite a lot about him (by interviewing individuals who wanted to share their thoughts as to who he was).
I do not feel that Dennis Hof’s legacy or the reputation of his surviving family should be linked to the hateful, bigoted and racist individuals tied to the Nye County Republican (GOP) party. I believe that had Dennis Hof known the truth of Tina Trenner and Roger Stone’s political agendas from the start, he’d have not aligned himself with them – as it’s important to note that Dennis Hof was a Libertarian prior to labeling himself as a Republican AND on occasion he voted for Democrats.
I will likely post my research and findings in regards to this issue on www.Pimpwikileaks.com on an ongoing basis between now and into the year 2019.