Tag: African American
Alexandra Mayers LIVE AUDIO STREAM 44 preparing for…
Alexandra Mayers LIVE (AUDIO STREAM) – 44 preparing for the reality of 50 in the year 2029
Still moving forward 

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Still moving forward
If I could put the content of this…
If I could put the content of this video into every Black woman’s mind – I would. Due to my unique life experience I’ve seen more and dealt with far more than most (and likely in a much harsher way than most). Looking back on my dating life when I was in my 20’s and even 30’s, ignorance truly was bliss.
Regardless, I’m glad I took a few journeys (both physically and online) over the years (especially in 2020 and this year 2021). I truly am a “truth seeker”, which is why I warn you (whoever you may be reading this) – be careful should you decide to seek out the truth, because once you learn something, you can’t UN-LEARN it.
A couple recent live streams… the first goes…
A couple recent live streams… the first goes into detail about some racism and bigotry I recently contended with within an online “community” (a community that seeks to remain predominantly a “whites only boys club”) and the second is just me catching up my viewers with what’s going on in my life…
A couple follow up videos in regards to…
A couple follow up videos in regards to the fictitious character “Nuka Zeus” fka Aaron Joseph Januszewski
Nuka Zeus fka Aaron Januszewski fabricated a story of racism revolving around a Colquitt, Ga church
colorist Aaron Januszewski is using the fictitious character “Nuka Zeus” to silence Black podcasters
Checking in and catching up the conclusion of…
Checking in and catching up – the conclusion of my Autumn 2020 tour, thoughts on upcoming and ongoing projects and more.
Political News Time is on FIRE Check out…
Political News Time is on FIRE! Check out the latest broadcasts and support the show on www.Patreon.com/PoliticalNewsTime
Watch the show live nightly at 8pm PST
the truth of AVN media network’s treatment of…
the truth of AVN media network’s treatment of Black male pornstars Mr. Marcus & Sean Michaels #BlackLivesMatter
Alexandra Mayers (founder, owner and host of the PNTLIVE network – also formerly
known as adult actress Monica Foster) shares a supresed interview conducted by
retired adult actress Melissa Hill – featuring veteran Black adult actors
Mr. Marcus and Sean Michaels – which revolves around an instance of extreme racism
and bigotry each experienced and endured at the hands of AVN media network’s staff
at AVN media network events (the 2017 AVN media network nomination party and the
2018 AVN media network awards ceremony).
Since this interview was conducted Melissa Hill was asked to leave the radio platform she hosted
her show through (possibly in part due to this interview) and felt pressured to
resign from the APAG union. In addition, at the time of the incidents related in this
interview Sean Michaels was President of the APAG union – but after the incidents resigned
from his position.
Earlier this week the AVN media network released a press release stating that they
support the Black Lives Matter (#BlackLivesMatter) movement, but from Alexandra Mayers
perspective the statement is disingenuous.
The pornstar who appears to be behind the instances of racism Sean Michaels and Mr. Marcus experiences, Tasha Reign, today appears to be attempting to claim to support #BlackLivesMatter simply in effort to gain social acceptance and increase her fan base.
Considering AVN employee Peter Warren’s public communication and relationships with
white supremacists such as Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL and the operators of XXXstarPR – Alexandra Mayers questions why the AVN media network (owned by Tony Rios) continues working with Warren (if they do indeed support Black Lives Matter).
There has been a severe racism problem in the adult entertainment industry for many years,
but Black Performers DO have a voice – several voices in fact – should they choose to acknowledge those voices and listen to those voices rather than ignore those voices in effort to gain the acceptance of their white privilege enabled (and often racist) peers.