The Alexandra Mayers LIVE Autumn 2020 United States Tour progress map

Embarking on this journey has been one of the best decisions of my life…I’ve learned a lot about myself and have come to terms with it being necessary for my to completely cut contact with toxic elements and people from my past.

Check out my travel videos on

Happy Juneteenth 2020

I’ll be taking a few days maybe longer…

I’ll be taking a few days (maybe longer) away from Twitter and other social media due my needing to complete a few projects before the end of the month along with my realizing that if I don’t take care of a certain problem (a problem that I’d have thought a man would have tackled by now) no one else will.

If someone had told me when I was in my teens, 20’s or even 30’s that I’d develop into the person I am today at 41 years old, I’d never have believed it… but the fact is I love the person I am today and I love my family (especially my Mother, Father and Sister) very much.

I took these selfies last night. My body has never looked like this before. When I was younger I was thin, but not what I’d consider today as “fit”. I think if I continue working out as I have, I could have a future as a mature fitness model. I’m definitely considering getting certified as a personal trainer…

Marianne Williamson supports Andrew Yang Plus thoughts on…

Marianne Williamson supports Andrew Yang! Plus thoughts on men in 2020 & a marathon training update

January 24th Political News Time Live podcast replay: Alex Mayers shares additional thoughts as to why she feels supporting Andrew Yang for President is a great idea. She also reads some recent news in regards to Marianne Williamson’s support of Andrew Yang.
In addition, Alex suggests American men start being far more supportive of and nicer to women.
To conclude the podcast Alex gives a personal update in regards to a marathon she’s training to run later in the year.